ACM 3rd International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2023)

6-8 September 2023, Lisbon, Portugal


Opening Keynote: Michela Magas

Michela Magas Short Bio: Michela Magas bridges design and technology, academic research and industry. She is Chair of the Industry Commons Foundation, advisor to the European Commission and the G7 leaders, Member of President von der Leyen’s High Level Round Table for the New European Bauhaus, and member of the Advisory Board of CERN IdeaSquare (ISAB-G). Michela is Founder of MTF Labs that has over the past 10 years been conducting technology experiments with its global community of 8000 contributors from the arts and sciences. In 2017 she was awarded European Woman Innovator of the Year.

Tech for radical inclusion: creating spaces for common understanding
What really matters in cross-domain environments is that we don't cancel each other out. For over 10 years MTF Labs has proven to be a fertile and radically inclusive collaborative environment for a global multidisciplinary community who have been experimenting with frontier technologies around common missions. The many resulting breakthroughs have made us reframe our notions of ability, rethink the future of work, and establish a series of enabling mechanisms for common understanding. In this keynote I will present several examples – from music as a social glue, connecting grassroots technological experimentation to high-level policy, to a concept for a system for cross-domain industrial data interoperability, which creates a level playing field for both innovator communities and global industrial partners, and has major implications on how we extract value from collaboration.

Closing Keynote: Daniele Quercia

DanieleQuercia Short Bio: Daniele Quercia is Director of Responsible AI at Nokia Bell Labs Cambridge (UK) and Professor of Urban Informatics at the Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) at King's College London. He has been named one of Fortune magazine's 2014 Data All-Stars, and spoke about “happy maps” at TED. He was Research Scientist at Yahoo Labs, a Horizon senior researcher at the University of Cambridge, and Postdoctoral Associate at the department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. He received his PhD from UC London.

Insider Stories: Analyzing Stress, Depression, and Staff Welfare at Major US Companies from Online Reviews
We mined 440K company reviews published during twelve successive years on GlassDoor, and developed state-of-the-art deep-learning frameworks to accurately extract mentions of:

1) Stress [1,2]. There are two types of stress: distress refers to harmful stimuli, while eustress refers to healthy, euphoric stimuli that create a sense of fulfillment and achievement. Telling the two types of stress apart is challenging, let alone quantifying their impact across corporations. We scored each company to be either a low stress, passive, negative stress, or positive stress company. We found that (former) employees of positive stress companies tended to describe high-growth and collaborative workplaces in their reviews, and that such companies' stock evaluations grew, on average, 5.1 times in 10 years (2009-2019) as opposed to the companies of the other three stress types that grew, on average, 3.7 times in the same time period. We also found that the four stress scores aggregated every year - from 2008 to 2020 - closely followed the unemployment rate in the U.S.: a year of positive stress (2008) was rapidly followed by several years of negative stress (2009-2015), which peaked during the Great Recession (2009-2011).

2) Internal Sustainability Efforts (ISEs) [3,4], which reflect whether a company supports gender equality, diversity, and general staff welfare. Commitment to ISEs manifested itself not only at micro-level (companies scoring high in ISEs enjoyed high stock growth) but also at macro-level (states hosting these companies were economically wealthy and equal, and attracted the so-called creative class).

[1] Pressure Test: Quantifying the impact of positive stress on companies from online employee reviews
[2] Depression at Work: Exploring Depression in Major US Companies from Online Reviews
[3] Insider Stories: Analyzing Internal Sustainability Efforts of Major US Companies from Online Reviews
[4] Visualizing Internal Sustainability Efforts in Big Companies